Story No. 205: Patient from Pennsylvania

I went to Planned Parenthood for the first time when I was 20. At the time, I was a college student living on my own, and paying my own expenses as well as most of my own tuition; suffice it to say I was hungry and cold on a regular basis. I had insurance through my parents, but they were already becoming increasingly abusive over my decision to move out and date someone who wasn’t part of their religion, and were threatening to cut off my contact to my minor siblings, so I couldn’t use insurance for anything related to birth control or sexual health. I was taking hormonal birth control, but the side effects were pretty brutal, and I was struggling to afford the $50/month payments since I couldn’t use insurance and risk my parents finding out.

I saw an ad in the college newspaper for a state-funded program providing IUDs. I responded to the ad and quickly ended up on the phone with my local Planned Parenthood. Thanks to the state of Pennsylvania and Planned Parenthood, I qualified for an IUD at no cost (at the time, it would have cost me $700+ without this program—over two months rent). The process was quick and easy, the staff and doctors were compassionate and capable, and I didn’t pay a cent. The IUD did its job, and I made it through college and veterinary school without so much as a pregnancy scare.

Without Planned Parenthood, I never could have afforded an IUD. Without the IUD, an unplanned pregnancy could have easily happened despite my best efforts. An unplanned pregnancy would have ended either in an abortion or the complete destruction of my education, career, and relationship with my family. If I had gotten pregnant at 20 and kept the baby, I would not be a veterinarian. I would not be able to support myself financially. I would not be paying many taxes. I would not be providing affordable nonprofit vet care to thousands of low-income pet owning families. I might not have a relationship with my amazing siblings. I would not have been able to foster dozens of homeless animals. In short, without access to my long-acting, safe, accessible, affordable birth control, I wouldn’t have the amazing life I have now. And I wouldn’t have had any of that without Planned Parenthood.