Title X gag rule rejects ethical standards
Today, the Trump administration released the final Title X gag rule. In response, Board Chair of Physicians for Reproductive Health Dr. Willie Parker issued the […]
Today, the Trump administration released the final Title X gag rule. In response, Board Chair of Physicians for Reproductive Health Dr. Willie Parker issued the […]
Dr. Jamila Perritt discussed how the Title X gag rule will hurt patients' access to care on Lady Parts Justice’s podcast Feminist Sleeper Cell.
Dr. Julie Chor wrote an op-ed in the New York Times on how the Title X gag rule interferes with the patient-provider relationship.
Amplifying the Provider Voice: May’s Must-Reads New York Times: Trump Rule Would Bar Some Abortion Advice at Federally Funded Clinics Dr. Jennifer Conti’s statement […]
Dr. Sarah Hutto wrote a letter to the Star Tribune opposing the Title X gag rule.
Title X is under attack. The Trump Administration released a policy called the “gag rule,” that would force health care providers to knowingly withhold important information […]
Elite Daily listed Physicians for Reproductive Health as a pro-choice organization to support in the wake of the Trump administration's Title X rule.
Dr. Carrie Griffin talked to Marie Claire about the White House’s announcement of a rule barring Title X clinics from making abortion referrals.