Press Release |

Appeals Court Upholds Restrictions On Abortion Pill

Today, the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals released its ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration in a decision that would roll back and limit access to mifepristone. While we wait to see what the Supreme Court decides to do with this case moving forward, mifepristone remains available and on the market under current regulations.

Dr. Kristyn Brandi, OB/GYN in New Jersey and Board Chair of Physicians for Reproductive Health responds:

“The most important thing for people and their health care providers to know is nothing changes today. Our current access to mifepristone is unchanged. However, the 5th Circuit’s decision still does not respect what we know to be true – patients can be trusted to make their own decisions for their reproductive health care and people should be able to access this essential medication without delay or barriers. The science and evidence haven’t changed about this medicine – it is safe and effective.”

The science and evidence haven’t changed about this medicine – it is safe and effective.

“Any attempts to roll back the progress that has been made with the ability to access mifepristone are not made with science and community health in mind, but instead are attempts to deny people of their bodily autonomy and restrict access to abortion.”

“At Physicians for Reproductive Health, we will never stop speaking out against medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion. All people deserve access to the full spectrum of reproductive health care, including abortion, and we are ready to serve our communities and help them get the care they need.”