The Alabama State Senate is voting on a bill that would outlaw nearly all abortions in the state.
In response, Board Member of Physicians for Reproductive Health and ob/gyn in Alabama, Dr. Yashica Robinson, issued the following statement:
“As a physician serving the families of Alabama for 15 years, I know that abortion is health care. If the anti-abortion politicians leading our state of Alabama make the grave mistake of passing a bill that would criminalize those who provide abortion care, it would have a disastrous effect on the health and well-being of Alabamians. Physicians will be unwilling to help patients in need, even when continuing pregnancy is detrimental to a patient’s health, or potentially fatal, out of fear of being scrutinized by the criminal justice system.
As a physician serving the families of Alabama for 15 years, I know that abortion is health care.
“It is inappropriate for lawmakers to insert their own belief systems into complex, personal health decisions that could affect my daughter and the people I take care of in Alabama. We must protect the health and lives of our loved ones and the future generations of our families.”