Press Release |

SCOTUS to Hear Case on Mifepristone

Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it has granted cert in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA. The Supreme Court’s stay on the lower courts’ ruling  remains in place maintaining the status quo. Mifepristone continues to be available to patients across the country.

Dr. Jamila Perritt, ob/gyn in Washington DC and President & CEO of Physicians for Reproductive Health responds:

“Today’s decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to hear arguments in a case aiming to restrict access to mifepristone, a medication frequently used in medication abortion care, gives the Supreme Court an opportunity to rule in favor of scientific evidence, grounded in medicine, and centering the needs of our communities. Many people will need abortion care over their lifetimes, and today, the majority of abortions accessed are done using medication abortion.

There is no legitimate medical or scientific reason access to mifepristone should be limited.

“Continuing the stay on the lower court’s earlier decision while the Supreme Court considers the case ensures that mifepristone will remain accessible just as it has been for the last 20 years. Mifepristone is a safe and effective medication. There is no legitimate medical or scientific reason access to mifepristone should be limited. It is clear this case is about anti-abortion extremists’ desire to ban all abortion care in this country.

“As a physician, mifepristone is absolutely necessary to the health care I provide. But I also know that no matter what happens, health care providers, abortion funds, community organizers and educators will work together to ensure that people needing abortions will still have access to this care.”