Florida Supreme Court allows recreational marijuana, abortion on November ballot
PRH Fellow Chelsea Daniels discusses how abortion providers are operating under current Florida laws while preparing for further restrictions.
PRH Fellow Chelsea Daniels discusses how abortion providers are operating under current Florida laws while preparing for further restrictions.
PRH Fellow Chelsea Daniels explains how the decision on the six-week ban in Florida caused immediate “fear and confusion and stress”
Former Board Chair Kristyn Brandi examines the recent Supreme Court hearing on mifepristone and the crucial battle for reproductive rights that will be on the […]
PRH Fellow Chelsea Daniels discusses the tension between hope for November’s ballot measure around abortion in Florida and despair over the options for patients who […]
President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt discusses the upcoming cases before the Supreme Court, and who may be the next “Roe.”
PRH Fellow Libby Wetterer writes an op-ed arguing why Medicaid should pay for abortions in Pennsylvania.
President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perrit appears on MSNBC to discuss the impact of restricting the abortion pill Mifepristone after the Supreme Court heard oral […]
Previous Board Chair Kristyn Brandi discusses the importance of the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Mifepristone case to marginalized communities.