Breast-Feeding in Public Is an LGBTQ Issue, So Let’s Make It Easier
Dr. Terez Yonan explains why a California bill will protect LGBTQIA nursing parents.
Dr. Terez Yonan explains why a California bill will protect LGBTQIA nursing parents.
“There is no room in medical care for false advertising and lying to patients,” said Dr. Anne Davis, Consulting Medical Director, about fake women’s health centers.
Dr. Julia McDonald's letter to the editor in the Bangor Daily News about protecting Roe and rejecting Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Dr. Jenn Conti on the Department of Justice’s new “Religious Liberty” Task Force.
Dr. Jamila Perritt talked to Yahoo! about how medication abortion has changed abortion access and how a post-Roe America would look different from pre-Roe America and pose new threats to patients' autonomy.
Dr. Julie Chor wrote an op-ed in the New York Times on how the Title X gag rule interferes with the patient-provider relationship.
Dr. Kristina Tocce wrote a letter to the Denver Post about how overturning Roe would harm patients.
Dr. Tracey Wilkinson talked to Rewire for this story about Operation Save America’s harassment and intimidation campaign against Indiana abortion providers.