Doctors forced to give inaccurate information on abortion
Dr. Rachel Zigler wrote a letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch dispelling the myth of a link between abortion and breast cancer.
Dr. Rachel Zigler wrote a letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch dispelling the myth of a link between abortion and breast cancer.
Drs. Jenny Abrams and Aisha Wagner talked to Tonic about the barriers faced by patients who are in the military when trying to access abortion care.
Dr. Stephanie Ho wrote a letter to the Washington Post about the impact Arkansas's medication abortion ban will have on her patients.
US Weekly featured celebrities wearing political statements, including actor Olivia Munn sporting a “1973” necklace designed by Sophie Ratner Jewelry and Physicians for Reproductive Health
Harper's Bazaar wrote about the "1973" necklace created as a collaboration between Physicians for Reproductive Health and Sophie Ratner Jewelry in celebration of Roe v. Wade.
Dr. Azmina Bhayani talked to Cosmopolitan about symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) for this piece on lesser-known pregnancy symptoms.
Dr. Sarah Hutto wrote a letter to the Star Tribune opposing the Title X gag rule.
Elite Daily listed Physicians for Reproductive Health as a pro-choice organization to support in the wake of the Trump administration's Title X rule.