Abortion AMA: Does An Abortion Hurt?
For the latest installment in the Abortion AMA series, Bustle talked to Dr. Emily Cohen.
For the latest installment in the Abortion AMA series, Bustle talked to Dr. Emily Cohen.
Dr. Terez Yonan talked to Roll Call about the dangers of Trump administration’s promotion of abstinence-only sex education.
Teen Vogue talked to Dr. Terez Yonan for this story about abstinence-only sex education in the President's budget proposal.
Rewire talked to Dr. Anne Davis for this story about New York City cracking down on fake women’s health centers.
Dr. Meera Shah appeared on Voice of America to discuss how a new flushable pregnancy test could help protect patients' privacy.
Dr. Dawn Bingham wrote a letter to the editor of The State in support of expanding South Carolina's birth control coverage to state employees' dependents.
In Rewire, Dr. Jenny Abrams talks about the economic effects that being denied abortion care has on patients.
In Cosmopolitan, Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi explained how a telemedicine abortion program is helping more patients in Hawaii access care.