Texas war on women just keeps going: GOP abortion foes embrace Energizer-bunny model
Dr. Dana Kusnir talked to Salon about the continued attacks on abortion access by the Texas legislature.
Dr. Dana Kusnir talked to Salon about the continued attacks on abortion access by the Texas legislature.
Dr. Willie Parker commented on the increasing militancy of anti-choice extremists.
Romper talked to Dr. Emily Schneider about how financial concerns shaped doctor-patient conversations about childbirth before the ACA.
Becker's Hospital Review highlighted Dr. Willie Parker's statement on the latest Senate health care repeal bill.
Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper talked about the bad science behind claims of “abortion reversal” treatments.
In a letter to The Oregonian, Dr. Carrie Pierce writes about why the state's new abortion access law deserves to be celebrated.
Dr. Diane Horvath-Cosper commented on Texas’s increasing teen abortion rate.
Dr. Willie Parker discussed threats to abortion access and abortion providers in the current political climate.