Story No. 106: Lisa from Massachusetts

I was in my early twenties in Los Angeles having moved there from NYC. While I’d been home in NY for the holidays, I re-connected with an old boyfriend, also in his twenties. It was not an on-going relationship, nor did either of us wish it to be. When back in LA, I discovered I was pregnant which was confirmed at the local women’s clinic. I didn’t even give it a second thought. I informed this friend that I would terminate the pregnancy and he didn’t have a problem with that (nor did he offer assistance). I was fortunate enough to have had the abortion performed early and by a wonderful physician. I was treated with dignity and respect, given complete instructions and a follow up, and all was well. For me it was easy peesy and necessary because I simply did not want a child. It is now 35 years later,  and I chose not to have children–a decision I have NEVER regretted. From time to time I think how very difficult and different my life would have been with that child. I can’t imagine if I hadn’t been able to make that choice for myself. I was and I am so grateful to live in a time where a legal, safe abortion was available to me.