Trigger warning: This story discusses rape and sexual violence.
I grew up in a small conservative community where sex was only for married, straight people. My sexual education was anything but comprehensive and did not prepare me for any of my sexual encounters throughout college and young adulthood. Most sex was unprotected and with partners who did not care about my pleasure or my safety. It has taken me a long time to admit to myself that I was raped twice and by two different men. Both times I pushed my perpetrator away when I realized what was happening, but that didn’t make my rapist less guilty of entering me after I’d explicitly said no. I reported the incident to no one both times…who would believe me and what would they do about it? Admitting it would have made it too real, and I wasn’t ready for that.
Years later, I found out I have an STI. Luckily, I have access to quality health care and a supportive network of friends and family—invaluable assets that too many women do not have. My story is not unique, and I realize how privileged I truly am. However, it sickens me to think what might happen to more vulnerable women if Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide resources to survivors of sexual violence are cut off from federal funding.