Story No. 311: Patient from Washington

When I was 18, I became pregnant after being pressured into having unprotected sex by my boyfriend. I was devastated by the news and was completely lost on how to proceed. As a college sophomore, I had a lot ahead of me, and I wasn’t ready to become a mother. After telling my parents, I visited the Planned Parenthood clinic near my college.

As intense as the experience was, each step of the way, I was treated with the utmost care and respect. What was an incredibly hard emotional experience was also the most safe and kind medical experience I have ever had. After ample discussion and counseling, I decided to proceed with an abortion. However, the decision was my decision, and it was one that was made with education and support of the Planned Parenthood providers.

I will never forget the experience as long as I live. It was not an experience I took lightly, and I don’t believe any woman takes an abortion that way. But thanks to Planned Parenthood, that difficult experience was one of respect, understanding, and kindness. Every woman deserves access to care like this.