Story No. 369: Patient from California

I was passionate about my technology career and in a new and stable relationship, when I discovered that I was unexpectedly pregnant. We were using birth control. At the time, I was quite unhappy with my job and looking for a new opportunity.

I was in a dilemma as to whether to start a family (and presumably drop my job search), whether to stay in my relationship (which seemed good at the time, but lacked commitment), and whether I could be a good mother given that my work situation bothered me so much.

I had an abortion. I live with the consequences of that decision every day. I think about what the other outcomes might have been. My partner was very supportive of my decision (our decision) and took good care of me. The procedure was professionally done and I was so grateful for the care I received.

I feel so fortunate that I was able to find a doctor easily, that the facility was completely clean and well-run. I’ve heard stories about how hard it was in prior years to get an abortion, and I am grateful that I had the option.

I recently learned that my aunt had an abortion while she was in high school in the 1950s, well before Roe v. Wade. It’s a well-kept family secret. I cannot imagine what she must have gone through, having her parents take her to a facility. I shudder to wonder what her experience was like and how it probably was not at all comparable to mine.

Our country needs to protect freedom of choice. Keep this procedure, and keep it safe for all women.
