An adolescent patient came to my office looking for birth control. She was sexually active, but she couldn’t tell me the last time she was active or the next time she planned to be active.
She knew she eventually would want a child, but she didn’t think that time “was right now.” She was brought in by her aunt who was very concerned she might end up pregnant.
Just a few short years ago, we would have had to look at her insurance and see what, if any, birth control options were available to her and what was the cost associated.
Due to the Affordable Care Act, I was able to discuss all the birth control options on the market, and together we made the decision that the IUD would be the right choice. She came back to my clinic shortly after, I placed the IUD, and she did very well. While she may have many other obstacles to overcome in the next five years, pregnancy will not be one of them. She was given all her options and was able to make the right choice for herself at this time.