Story No. 66: Emily from Illinois

After two and a half years of fertility treatments and five miscarriages, we had our miracle. I found out I was pregnant on Easter morning, 2016. We were sure this had to be the baby we were waiting for.

We were sure this had to be the baby we were waiting for.

My pregnancy was pretty uneventful. I had horrible morning sickness, but I figured that meant a healthy baby. At 10 weeks we did the progenity genetic screening. I wasn’t worried. I thought everything was fine. On June 6, 2016, my world came crashing down. My doctor called and told me we were having a girl but she tested positive for T21, Down Syndrome. I was traveling for work and immediately flew home. I was too late in my pregnancy to have the CVS (chorionic villus sampling) test but too early for the amniocentesis. We had to wait two weeks to get in for the amnio. That test not only confirmed the T21 but also told us through a high level ultrasound that our daughter, Isabella, had severe heart and intestinal defects. We were told that the likelihood of her living much past birth was very low. We made the most heartbreaking decision to end the pregnancy.

We were told that the likelihood of her living much past birth was very low. We made the most heartbreaking decision to end the pregnancy.

On June 29, 2016, we said goodbye to our precious baby girl. I was so lucky that I was able to do it in the comfort and safety of The University of Chicago Medical Center. The doctors and nurses were amazing. We were even able to have a chaplain bless our baby. I truly don’t know what we would have done if we didn’t have this option. My insurance even covered the procedure 100%. Although this was the hardest decision we have ever had to make, I know it was the best decision and was made out of love for our daughter.