Story No. 90: Patient from Oregon

My parents had me while in high school. They loved me, cared for me, and raised me well. Nevertheless,

I have seen firsthand how much an unplanned pregnancy to teens can change the course of one’s life.

I have seen firsthand how much an unplanned pregnancy to teens can change the course of one’s life. In the case of my parents, leading to a life with an endlessly loving family but constant financial concerns, lack of adulthood development, health problems relating to stress, lack of education, and complete lack of caring for oneself because of the demand of caring for children as a young, poor person. I want to be able to choose if and when I have children, and if/when that time comes, I want to be prepared financially, emotionally, and otherwise so that I can offer myself and my family the best life possible. I rely on affordable access to birth control and women’s health care to make sure my life events are CHOICES and not the result of oppressive circumstances, including the right to an abortion in the case that I would choose to have one. All people deserve equal access to widespread reproductive education and care – I am deeply disturbed by the endless efforts to take these basic rights away from women.