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Meet Our Advocates: Dr. Amy Tressan (she/her)

Where do you call home?
Los Angeles, CA.

What are your clinical or research interests?
Trauma-informed care, sex, and body positivity, increasing abortion access, and gender-affirming care.

What current policy issue motivates you to be an advocate?
Anti-Trans laws and anti-abortion laws. Additionally, I am passionate about advocating for a single-payer, anti-capitalist healthcare system with lower cost and better outcomes.

What local justice-centered organization do you wish we knew about?
Black Women for Wellness.

What is bringing you joy these days?
Volleyball, cooking.

Our Meet Our Advocates series showcases the talents and passion of one of our doctors and finds out, in their own words, what inspires them to be physician advocates. Amy Tressan (MD) is a Fellow in our Leadership Training Academy Class of 2024. Dr. Tressan practices family medicine in California.

Learn more about our current class.