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Meet Our Advocates: Meg Lawley (she/her)

Where do you call home?

I was raised in Atlanta, which has shaped my view of politics, and reproductive rights and justice.

What are your clinical or research interests?

My clinical interests are the intersection of mental and reproductive health, medical education and maternal morbidity.

What do you wish other providers knew about reproductive health, rights, and justice?

I wish other providers recognized that when you live in a restricted state, every day is a battle to provide basic reproductive healthcare for our patients.

What local justice-centered organization do you want to uplift?

I would like to left up Feminist Women’s Health Center, which is one of our free standing clinics and advocacy groups. I worked there before medical school. I had no idea when I took a part time job at an abortion clinic for clinical hours, that this job would change my life.

What is bringing you joy?

This work, in addition to my other jobs (teacher, mom, daughter, friend, advocate) has given me such purpose and meaning!

Our Meet Our Advocates series showcases the talents and passion of one of our doctors and finds out, in their own words, what inspires them to be physician advocates. Meg Lawley (MD, MPH) is a Fellow in our Leadership Training Academy Class of 2025 and specializes in Complex Family Planning.

Learn more about our current class.