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Your abortion questions, answered by physicians

Journalist and advocate Danielle Campoamor‘s new column with Bustle, “Abortion AMA,” answers reader questions about the real-life experience of getting an abortion with honesty, respect, humor, and input from medical experts. Our doctors, who love communicating reproductive health knowledge with patients and with the public at large, are thrilled to be part of the “Abortion AMA” conversation. Check out recent installments in the series featuring Physicians for Reproductive Health’s Fellows, and submit questions of your own to [email protected].

Abortion AMA: Can I Get Pregnant After Having An Abortion? featuring Dr. Jessica K. Lee and Dr. Sanithia L. Williams

Abortion AMA: What Is A Medical Abortion? featuring Dr. Antoinette Nguyen

Abortion AMA: Does An Abortion Hurt? featuring Dr. Emily Cohen